Robert E. Lee - Southern Hero

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Robert E. Lee - Southern Hero

When we think of the south, we usually tend to think of home-cooked meals, big family outings, and warm weather. But narrow that topic down to the Civil War; now what comes to mind? Things like the Union, the Confederacy, and the freedom of slaves are what we usually remember. But one defining factor about the Civil War would have to be Robert E. Lee, general of the Confederacy, and one of the South’s biggest heroes.

Robert Edward Lee, born in Stratford, Virginia on the 19th of January 1807, created his fame in the United States Army as an officer. He was raised in the southern state of Virginia, and graduated from West Point, 2nd in his class. Lee married a woman by the name of Mary, and came into the possession of her family’s great Arlington Estate, where he, his wife, and his son G. W. Custis Lee lived. Before the war started and after it ended, Lee had the occupation of engineer, and worked at Washington and Baltimore. One thing that makes Robert E. Lee a true southerner, in my opinion, was that in early 1861, President Abraham Lincoln had invited Lee to take the command of all the Union Army, and to help win the war for the north. Although it was a tempting offer and would ensure Lee power and fame in the Union States after the war was over, Lee already had his mind made up. “Though opposed to secession,” he said, “I could take no part in an invasion of the Southern states.” So Lee declined and decided to side with his home state of Virginia, whom had seceded from the Union. Politically, Robert E. Lee was a Whig; he was ironically attached strongly to the Union and to the Constitution. He had no sympathy towards slavery. He did however hold around a half-dozen slaves under his own name; then after his father-in-law-died in 1857, came into the possession of around 200 more slaves. But, it is said that after the Civil War, Lee was in some sense opposed to the idea of slavery. Although he did not agree with the views of his home state, he stayed, and joined the Confederate Army.

On April 23rd, Robert E. Lee assumed the command of the naval and military forces in Virginia, which he thoroughly organized. Lee then became senior military adviser to the Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, and was made a Confederate General.

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