The Revolution That Transformed America

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During the eighteenth century, many milestones of American history were accomplished and can be considered major turning points for the colonies. A turning point can be defined as “the point at which a very significant change occurs” (“Turning Point”). Before America was known as the United States of America, it was just composed of colonies under British rule. After a long period of salutary neglect, colonists began to recognize the abuses of Britain and the importance of independence. Due to this recognition, the colonies were then motivated to unite in order to fight for what they felt America required. This spark of motivation resulted in the American Revolution and eventually, the signing of the Declaration of Independence; together, they were major events in United States history that are recognized as important turning points that led to important political, economic, and social changes.
The thirteen colonies were originally ruled by Great Britain, and were very content with their relationship with Britain for several hundred years. However, the colonists began growing more and more discontented with Britain’s actions, or lack thereof, which began a road to revolution (Medvedev). The main causes of the American Revolution included aftermath of the French and Indian War, British taxation, mercantilism, and their overall discontentment with Britain’s abuse (Hoolihan). After the French and Indian War, colonists began to become frustrated with the British because American officers and soldiers were insulted and the military ranks of many Americans were not upheld or recognized by the British. The British did not give their colonies credit for assisting in the French and Indian war, which also led to American frustration. Becau...

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