Research Study on EFL Students and Language

1061 Words3 Pages

Data collections
The first phrase of data collection is planned to collect qualitative data, thus learning reflection assignments were assigned to 30 students at the end of the Translation 1 course on 16 February 2014. Their learning reflections contained around 900-1,000 English words. Also, the students were allowed to submit their reflection via email. After receiving the students’ learning reflections, 10 conversational interviews were set for informal interviews with participants to clarify their indistinguishable points. There were no fixed questions to ask during conversations since the interviewer drove the interviews went with the flow. Each interview took 10-15 minutes. After getting qualitative data and results, those results built to the second phase of data collection. The second phrase is aimed to collect quantitative data. Hence, the online questionnaire was contributed to 100 participants during 24-28 February 2014.

Data analyses
Categorization is a main technique to analyse qualitative data in the first phrase. It means that the research grouped sub-themes of monolingual dictionary strategies into three main themes according to scopes of the research framework. After grouping each sub-theme, the researcher asked for other perspectives to carefully view each sub-theme. Thus, the three raters rate sub-themes in each category to find reliabilities before implementing those sub-themes. Moreover, a disagreement about the sub-theme is not led to the second phase report in this study. Furthermore, the percentage is systematically implemented during the second phase of quantitative data analysis in order to discover the impact of perception of the usefulness of the monolingual dictionary strategies.


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...ctionary to monitor and correct many words and sentences after forming English sentences (EFL student 3).That is, this sub-theme could support the students to monitor their language as well.

Confirming words and meanings in the synonym parts
Another sub-theme of confirmation strategies is that “confirming words and meanings in the synonym parts” which is implemented by EFL students. Here is some explanation of the student to show why he or she used this strategy. …I use this technique to check out meanings which I am not sure whether I pick the right word for the correct meaning or not. Thus, I recheck meanings in the synonym part to look for the right word which can fit my sentences (EFL student 1). The synonym parts provided the same meaning of each word; hence the EFL students were able to use those synonyms to confirm their final translation products as well.

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