The Reproductive System: The Reproductive System

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The Reproductive System.
The Reprodructive system or genital system is a system of sex organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of sexual reproductive. A human has 46 chromosomes in each cell except sex cells. A person recieve 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father . The mother has X chromosome and the father has Y chromosome . XY chromosomes are also found in other mammals , some insects and some plants . Now let’s talk about the male reproductive system. The male reproductive system consists two major parts which are testes and penis . The spermatozoa (sperm) includes four main parts of the male body which are the penis , uretha , vas defences , and cowper’s gland . Testes is where the sperm …show more content…

Vas deferens transport the sperm to the penis . Cowper’s gland has two small glands that secrete a mucous to the male uretha . All boys are born with foreskin which is a folded skin that covers the penis . The doctor have to cut the foreskin off . When a new born baby is born that’s when they usually cut it . The male have 5 secondary characteristics which are growth , more muscular , deeper voice and body hair that’s dealing with puberty . Most males stop growing at 18 or sometimes 21 . Also hair starts to come in during puberty . The female reproductive system includes the clitoris , labia minare , and Blartholin’s glands . The clitoris is small sensitrive and erectile part of the female vulva . The inner and outer folds the uvlua . The Bartholin’s glands is the lower part of the vagina . The vagina meets to the outside at the vulva , which includes the labia , clitoris , and uterus . Also the vagina is a fibro - muscular tublar tract leading from the urterus . The ovaries are small and the place inside the female body the place inside the female body . The speed of ovulation is periodic and impacts directly to the length of mestrual cycle . The breast starts to come in during

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