Religion In Ancient Egypt

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The religion in Egypt was part of ones life; they believed and worshipped many gods. The faith they held in the gods were big and religion was bound up with their everyday life. The Egyptians are known as one of the most religious people in the world. Usually they turned to the gods to seek advice, help, and approval in decisions and even to assist in childbirth. The Egyptians had many festivals that they celebrate and it was believed that there was a god for every important event. Some of the gods and goddesses were Osiris (one of the best known), Isis, Anubis, and Set… (On the next page there are a list of the Gods/Goddesses and their associations) These deities are some of the most known as they tie to some of the important rituals, for example Anubis, god of the Cemeteries and embalming; he was always included in funerary practices. Pleasing the Gods was very important; they believed that if they somehow had upset them, they would bring ill fortune to the people of Egypt. Offerings were made to them daily at Temples where the Statue of a certain deity stood. The Egyptians kept a Book of the Dead. That is a book filled with collected writings of where the soul went protection charms and spells for the Funeral Ceremonies. They believed in the afterlife and in order for them to “survive” in the otherworld, they embalmed the bodies. The pharaohs were the ones that were usually embalmed. The whole process of embalming took a total of 70 days. First the brain is drawn out t...

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