The Relationship of Jesus with Women in the Bible

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Throughout history and even today women are regarded as inconsequential. They are chattels or servants, a person without rights. In some present instances, women are struggling to show that they do have rights and can make a contribution to society if given the chance.
In scripture it is seen that God’s intention was for equality “…And the man said: This one at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh! She is to be called Woman.” (Gen.2:23) Woman and Man was given a body, mind and soul. Each had a personality and capable of exercising dominion. (Gen 1: 28-29) (Genderstanding Jesus)
Luke uses a technique of pairing references to men and women, “this pairing, it has been suggested, indicates a substantial number of women constituting the Gospel audience.” (Kopas)
In society today women form part of Governments, they own businesses, they hold executive positions in companies but are they really considered equal to their male counterparts, do they receive the same kind of respect and recognition for their achievements.
This paper seeks to look at the relationship of Jesus and the women he encountered as well as those he used as examples to reveal the principles by which women should be treated.
The Bible has countless examples of women who have broken through societal boundaries to get close to Jesus. He sometimes met them half-way, other times he set up scenarios to make a statement or teach a lesson. He lifted them up as examples of the way in which he expects us to live and love.
“A poor widow came and put in two small coins….” (Mark 12: 42-44) Jesus uses the example set by the widow’s offering as a gesture her giving all she possessed. He tells his disciples that her giving was important as she shows how you should give...

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Doubleday (1985) The New Jerusalem Bible. New York, United States: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
Harrington, Daniel J. (S.J.) The truth about Jesus and Women. Retrieved April 12, 2014 from Heidebrecht Thiessen, Karen. Jesus and Women in the gospel of John. Retrieved March 27,
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Hess, Margaret. (1985). Unconventional Women. Illinois, United States: SP Publications, Inc.
James-Sebro, Meryl. Ph.D. (2003). Genderstanding Jesus -Women in his views. United States:
TEACH Services Inc.
Ketter, Peter. (1952). Christ and Womankind. Trans. Isabel McHugh. Westminster: Newman
Kopas, Jane. Jesus and Women: Luke's Gospel. Retrieved March 27, 2014 from

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