The Reign of Cleopatra

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Cleopatra VII was the last Pharaoh of Egypt. Cleopatra reigned over Egypt in 51BC after the death of her father Ptolemy XII Auletes. Cleopatra’s mother was Cleopatra VI and she came to power at the age of 17. Cleopatra ruled over Egypt with her two brothers Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy VIX and her son Ptolemy XV Caesar. She was born in 69 BC in Alexandria and ruled from 51 BC to 30 BC. Cleopatra was Macedonian, but even though her ancestry was Macedonian, she was still an Egyptian queen and worshipped as a god. She was remembered for in history as the last Queen of Egypt and her relationships to Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

Cleopatra’s reign over Egypt started from the deaths of her two elder sisters and the death of her father. Her father was much hated by the Egyptians and had left Egypt several years before his death to Rome. Cleopatra aimed to rule on her own or tried to achieve more power than her brother over the reign of Egypt. The Ptolemy’s were allied with the Roman’s. The roman’s have been gaining power over the Ptolemy’s power was lacking. Through this the Roman’s had gained a stronger hold over Egypt. Cleopatra was the only Ptolemaic Pharaoh to speak the Egyptian language. She also took on the Egyptian religion. She was very intelligent, very will-powered and was a shrewd politician with an extraordinary charisma. When she came into power, Egypt where struggling through bad harvests and a famine. The drought had caused the Nile to stop flooding into their harvests. Even though of Egypt’s struggles through this Cleopatra started an army from the Arab tribes east of Pelusium. During this time Cleopatra and her sister Arsinoe moved to Seria. She started to go to war with her brother. This occurred after the death of Pom...

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...ce again Cleopatra tried to get into power. At this moment Egypt were in a worse position as they were in a drought, which gave them bad harvests. Even so Cleopatra had plans to bring Egypt back into power. Her plans brought her to Mark Antony and he failed into bringing both of them into power as well. Then She committed Suicide as her lover Mark Antony died and she couldn’t be brought back into power.

From this I believe Cleopatra’s reign over Egypt was successful and not a failure. She did fail into what she was trying to achieve and lost Egypt over to Rome, which became a Roman Province but the previous Pharaohs of Egypt were at fault and not Cleopatra. She tried many ways to bring Egypt into power and in the end she just couldn’t. But she will be remembered as the last Queen of Egypt and should be remembered as one of the greatest Pharaohs ever to rule Egypt.

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