Reflection Upon Nursing Skills

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Reflective Practice is a continuous action that directly affects anyone who is a practitioner. Jasper (2006, p. 53) stated that the benefits to the profession are the development of the nursing knowledge base and the recognition that nurses are contributing to both patient care and improved practice. Further, Jasper (2006, p. 43) explains that Reflective Practice is the foundation upon which reflection and reflective learning are based.

This essay is going to reflect upon the nursing skills I developed during a period of placement simulations, placing emphasis on oral care, communication with a non-engaging patient and bed bath. It will outline the fundamental aspects of clinical nursing skills that I have begun to acquire. This will also highlight the learning processes which took place and how it helped me to enhance my knowledge, and ethical values in order to deliver quality and safety of care. Using a variety of sources from current literature, I will use a reflective model to discuss how I have achieved the necessary level of learning outcome. By utilising this model I hope to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding in relation to these skills as well as identifying areas with scope for learning.

There are many reflective models that I could have used, including Johns (2004), Driscoll (2000), Atkins and Murphy (1994), Kolb’s (1984), and Gibbs (1988). I decided to utilize the Gibbs (1988) model as a framework, because it focuses on different aspects of an experience and allows the learner to revisit the event fully. By contemplating it thus, I am able to appreciate it and be guided to where future development work is required.

In keeping within current legislation on the protection and respect of an individual...

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...y. 13:305-309.

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World Health Organisation (2010) ‘Oral Health’, at (Accessed 19/11/2010

Wilkinson, S.(1992) Good communication in cancer nursing. Nursing Standard 1992; 7(9):35–9.

Williams, Diana (1997) Communication Skills in Practice Jessica Kingsley Publishers London

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