Ranch Girl Individualism Essay

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What is happiness? It’s a very vague question. Different people have a different satisfaction and needs. What each and every one of us wants are so different from one another that you can’t really categorize what exactly a happiness is for a person. In the modern society, American Dream is the pinnacle that everyone is racing to reach too. It’s what they believe as the ultimate goal and only a selected few are able to achieve it. It’s what people assume as a path to achieve happiness. Although, this might not actually be the case, but people failed to recognize this as materialistic value has been such a dominant factor in a person life. A strong sense of individualism is also very dominating in the western culture, which largely contribute …show more content…

The narrator choose to stay in the ranch despite she have the qualification to achieve more than what she have, because that’s what she wants. That’s where she believe she could find her happiness because that’s where she grew up in as she state “But none of this things seem real; what’s real is the payments on her car and her mom’s crazy horses, the feel of the ranch road she can drive blindfolded, and her dad needing her in November to bring in the cows” (Meloy 177). As each individual are different from one another so does their needs and wants. What was in portray in Ranch Girl (Meloy 173) clearly defined that happiness doesn’t necessarily mean any of materialistic value or fame as what American Dream are compose of in the modern …show more content…

This is why American dream is a corrupted and unacceptable fiber in societal social norms of cultural existence. In America you either make it big – billionaires and millionaires – or you didn’t make it at all and categorize oneself to the struggling class of existence. In A Modest Proposal (Swift 250) address the issues of poverty and over population in Ireland where he state “It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great town or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and importuning every passenger for an alms” (Swift 250). The rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, is the problem that America is facing right now. The increasing rate of homeless in America is a nightmare and sooner or later American dream would be nothing but just a myth. The American dream has defined life in a new angle in America. To achieve the American dream one has to make it financially, regardless of the path taken to make it legal or not. It encourages crime, as this individual would just do about everything to get what they want in desperate measures. Is this really

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