Reckless, Speeding Drivers Endanger Innocent Children

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Residential Speeding
Throughout many neighborhoods in Delaware, reckless, speeding drivers endanger innocent children. As a result of these negligent drivers, Delaware kids frequently get hit by speeding cars. In fact, the Delaware Department of Transportation, or DELDOT, has gathered research proving that speeding in neighborhoods leads to a large number of fatalities and injuries. The Department of Transportation reports, “Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children of every age from 2-14 years” (“Barnstorming Neighborhoods”). Shockingly, this explains that out of every possible cause for the death of a child, getting hit by a car ranks as the number one most common. This clearly illustrates the scope of the neighborhood speeding problem, proving that speeding presents a hazard that contributes to many child fatalities. Residential speeding is a widespread, serious, and long-standing problem throughout Delaware that deserves to be addressed.
This term “residential speeding” refers to traveling faster than the safe speed limit in a neighborhood or school zone, which in turn puts children at risk. Increased speed decreases the time children have to get out of the way of an impending car. Also, according to Wray Herbert, a psychologist who has researched why children are prone to getting hit by cars, “Faster moving cars appear to loom less than slow moving cars, creating a dangerous illusion that speedy cars are not approaching…. Children could not reliably detect a car approaching at speeds higher than 20 miles per hour” (Herbert). Faster cars appear to be farther away in children’s minds so they do not register them as a threat. Therefore, there is less of a likelihood they will react to a speeding car. ...

... middle of paper ... is a continuous problem. Residential speeding has been occurring since the 1960s and it still has not been properly addressed. Obviously, based on the numbers of children who get hit by cars per year, this problem is still in full swing today. It impacts numerous children and their families throughout Delaware by increasing the risk that a child will get hit by a car. It also amplifies the likelihood that a child that does get hit will suffer a severe or fatal injury. Despite the innovative and effective speed-control methods that traffic engineers have created, speeding is still a problem since not enough neighborhoods have adopted the new speed-controlling solutions. In order to combat this deadly and widespread problem, more neighborhoods throughout Delaware should begin to utilize speed-control methods such as speed humps, speed cushions, and traffic circles.

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