The Real "Teen Mom"

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Why are so many young girls becoming mothers before they reach adulthood and who is to blame? Do we blame parents for not speaking openly about the subject of sex and how to prevent unwanted pregnancies? Do we blame the school’s curriculum for inadequate sexual education? Has being a teen with a swollen pregnant belly become a social norm in our society, or a trend? Some may blame reality shows that depict the struggles of the teen mom, but tend to glamorize the stars of the show. I am all too familiar with the life of a teen mom. I was one.
Parents have a responsibility to their children to keep them safe. By speaking openly with their children, many accidents can be avoided. You teach your children to not talk to strangers and to look both ways before crossing a street. But who is responsible for teaching your children about how to avoid unwanted pregnancies? I believe that sexual education and health begins at home. Speak openly with your children and answer any questions that they may have. If your children are young, only teach them what they can handle for their age. Make it a point to let your children know that if they have a problem or need to talk, that your door is always open, and without judgment. Teach your children about the body’s reproductive functions, and how to prevent pregnancy and unwanted pregnancies. Education is the key to preventing pregnancy, and I believe it starts at home.

It is very common for schools to teach sexual education in junior high and high schools. The students are taught about hormones, reproductive organs, and conception. They are also educated on sexually transmitted diseases and how to prevent the transmission of them. Students are taught about many forms of contraceptive i...

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I would not recommend having a child until you are in a solid committed relationship, have an education, and are financially stable. I was blessed with an amazing support system full of family and friends. It made a very difficult period in my life a little easier. Many girls do not have that type of support and it tends to intensify the chaos and stress that comes with being a young girl raising a child. Abstinence is foolproof. You cannot become pregnant or infected with a sexually transmitted disease if you abstain from sexual activity. If you are young and do choose to be sexually active, you need to learn about all your options for preventing an unwanted pregnancy. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your parents about sex and/or birth control, ask your doctor or another adult that you can trust to help you find the resources that you need.

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