Reaching Students With Learning Disabilities

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Placement of a student in your classroom after receiving a diagnosis of one of the 13 types of Specific learning disabilities (SLD’s) may leave you scratching your head as to what the name actually means and how to modify lesson and extend accommodations for it. When a person is learning disabled, they present weakness in the areas of memorizing, producing information (output), organizing it, or taking in information (input). Across learning environments, teachers should know how to deliver services to students to the highest efficacy attainable even where disability names are unfamiliar to the instructor and the IEP team as a whole. In this article, find the names of SLD’s, their characteristic, classroom strategies to address characteristics, and associated disorders based on information availability. Auditory and visual processing disorders Auditory processing disorders-(APD) Another name for APD is (Central) Audio Processing Disorder (C)APD where the brains center’s for processing sound are impaired in some way making it difficult to distinguish one sound from another. This set of disorders is not the same as hearing impairment as the problem is not in the inner ear. Characteristics Trouble recalling information Problems with multi-part oral instructions Although there is no problem with hearing, a need to hear sounds at a higher volume may be present Difficulties with background noises in crowded spaces Would rather read than listen for expressed communication Classroom strategies Work with the student on their language skills after conferring with the IEP team to include an audiologist for explicit guidance based on goals and ability Preferential seating Adjust acoustics within the environment Transmit ... ... middle of paper ... ...he IDEA classifies ADHD/ADD necessary of special education services in instances where the disorder is chronic and pervasively affects one’s health as “other health impairment”. Researchers point to the imbalance in chemicals in the brain that help to control behavior as the cause of ADHD/ADD. SLD beyond 13 Upwards of 20 SLD have been identified based on the federal definition of the term. Although the incidence of placement of a student with one or more the lesser-known learning issues decreases by a number of factors including availability of assessment devices for evaluation, expectations of preparedness to teach these populations are consistent. Research low incidence LD’s through medical journals, education texts, and by attending professional development opportunities, as they are available to stay abreast of the latest and best practices in the classroom.

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