Raymond Chandler: Reality or Fantasy?

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Detective stories are closely linked with mystery and investigation. One must use clues and intuition to put pieces of a puzzle together for their case. Similarly, solving a case is like knowing a person. A dubious, shady, and secretive person is hard to get to know. In order to find out who they really are, one must closely examine their life. A person that exemplifies this, is RaymondChandler. Chandler was one of the leading writers of hard-boiled detective fiction in his time period. He was an outsider that rose to become very influential to his genre. Although he was not too well known, his later works were reflective upon his actual life. His protagonist Detective stories are closely linked with mystery and investigation. One must use clues and intuition to put pieces of a puzzle together for their case. Similarly, solving a case is like knowing a person. A dubious, shady, and secretive person is hard to get to know. In order to find out who they really are, one must closely examine their life. A person that exemplifies this, is Raymond even resembled himself. Raymond Chandler’s chivalrous personality and his perceptive views of social corruption influenced the creation of his character Philip Marlowe.
Early to Middle Years and Values
Raymond Chandler was born on July 23, 1888. Initially, he was born in the United States but his father abandoned him at an early age. He was raised by his mother in Ireland and England because she wanted the best education for him (Marling). He went to school at Dulwhich and was a very good student. The students were taught the code of honor at a young age. This code of honor was something that he never forgot and he treasured it (Marling). In schooling at Dulwhich, Chandler developed skills i...

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Works Cited

Linder, Daniel. “Chandler’s ‘The Big Sleep’”. The Explicator 59.3 (2001): 137.
Literature Resource Center. Web. 3 March 2014. http://go.galegroup.com
Marling, William. "Raymond Chandler." Detnovel.com. N.p., 2012. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.
Moss, Robert F. “Raymond (Thorton) Chandler””. America Hard-Boiled Crime Writers.
Ed. George Parker Anderson and Julie B. Anderson. Detroit: Gale Group, 2000.
Dictionary of Literary Biography vol. 226. Literature Resource Center. Web. 3
Feb. 2014. http://go.galegroup.com
Speir, Jerry. Raymond Chandler. New York: Ungar, 1981. Print.
Watt, R.J.C. “The Big Sleep: Overview”. Reference Guide to American Literature.
Ed. Jim Kamp. 3rd ed. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994. Literature Resource Center.
Web. 3. Mar. 2014. http://go.galegroup.com

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