Rasool’s Multidisciplinary View of Literacy

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There are many different opinions as to ‘What is literacy?’ and ‘What are literacy difficulties?’ Rassool’s (2009) article looks at literacy from an interdisciplinary approach which demonstrates how multidimensional it is and how literacy should be considered in relation to ‘ideology, culture, knowledge and power’ (Rassool, 2009, p. 7). She looks at the question of ‘What is literacy?’ from the perspective of the individual and the broader issues which shape both government policy and the practice of the individual tutor. In this essay I shall look at Rassool’s multidisciplinary approach in contrast to the view that literacy is a technical skill which involves the cognitive skills of decoding of text and functional literacy is the ‘process and content of learning to read and write in preparation for work ...’ United Nations Educational and Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, cited in Rassool, 2009 p. 7). It is my belief that this multidisciplinary approach highlights the complexities of how difficult it is to define literacy in an age of new technologies. These different models of literacy affect the definition of literacy difficulties. Are they a deficit or deficiency in the cognitive skills needed to read and write as suggested by the cognitive and developmental psychologists or should we view them from a socio-cultural perspective as suggested by Green and Kostogriz (2002)? These questions are important as they will affect how literacy is taught. After considering the evidence available, it will be argued that the latter approach is more beneficial to the learner.

Rassool argues that literacy is multidimensional because if serves, ‘social, economic, ideological and political purposes’ (Rassool, 2009 p. 7). This is...

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...1 Difficulties in Literacy Development [CD 2]. Milton Keynes, The Open University.

The Open University (2010) ‘Part 1: What is Literacy? What are Literacy Difficulties’, E801 Difficulties in Literacy Development Study Guide Milton Keynes, The Open University, p.8.

The Open University (2010) ‘Part 1: What is Literacy? What are Literacy Difficulties’, E801 Difficulties in Literacy Development Study Guide Milton Keynes, The Open University, p.17.

UNESCO (2006) Understandings of Literacy UNESCO [Online], Available at http://www.unesco.org/education/GMR2006/full/chapt6_eng.pdf (Accessed 21 November 2013).

Williams, A. and Gregory, E. (2009) ‘Siblings Bridging Literacies in Multilingual Contexts, in Soler, J., Fletcher-Campbell, F. and Reid, G. (eds) (2009) Understanding Difficulties in Literacy Development. Issues and Concepts, Milton Keynes, The Open University.

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