The Gravestone of Demainete

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The Gravestone of Demainete was not only meant to mark a burial site, but also to preserve the integrity of young Demainete. Her The Gravestone of Demaineteand overbearing size within the the stele indicates her value to the patron. Furthermore not only does her possession of a gravestone but their clothing also leads to the assumption of her family wealth. Also after a time spent contemplating the means of her facial expression, body posture, the age of her and the full gravity of the piece, I believe she was meant to be remembered as real as possible. Realistic. The Gravestone of Demainete, as the name indicates it was intend to mark the grave of Demainete. Demainete, the protagonist on the right side of the stele and also the largest feature found on the artwork. The enormity Demainete is a direct expression of her particular value to the patron during her once lifetime. I believe the artwork was payed forward by a close family member, mostly likely the farther because of its a relatively expense. Also Demainete is probably of no real importance to the in general society. Thus its patron must have found "Demainete" of a personal importance. With the location the artwork was found, in Athens. Women at the time seemly weren't permitted to hold any high-level of anything that would pay enough for marble to be cut into a grave marker. At the end, one can deduce farther payed for it. As proof, a plaque leads a reader to believe the father, Prokles pay for it. His name is found above Demainete carved in, possible as acting a signature. Demainete is clearly depicted as a female, having physical characteristics of long hair. Your able to tell the length of her hair it looks to be weaved together. Its to my understanding it was a comm... ... middle of paper ... ...ds could be used as symbolism of a free and gentle spirit. Birds as they come are to some point free from the earth. Humans for all of time have coveted the idea to have that freedom. So for her to be able to hold one in her right hand (now broken) shows how gentle or during that time chosen she had to have been. It might even be called a gift to handle a pheasant in the way shes depicted. To contemplate the entire artwork, and its intricate. I motion that the slave was put there only as a way to indicate social status and as a prop to further up lift his daughter. A person of wealth tends to use anything of value to press to notion of their value. In other ones slaves are very expensive and if I show that my daughter has a slave. She must also be deemed expensive en turn rich or worth living. The main purpose was to develop a respect for her in the public's eyes.

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