Argumentative Essay On Radiometric Dating

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In the beginning of twentieth century, an advance in science occurred with the discovery of radioactivity. Scientist learned rocks and fossils could be used as timepieces, to tell the age of Earth. Radiometric dating is common method, often relied on by the world, which uses rocks to tell the age of Earth and its materials. Through this method scientist have concluded that the earth is 4.6 billion years of age and, this date and radiometric dating is accurate. However, over the years scientists have been proven incorrect. Radiometric dating is inaccurate because scientists assume the specimen’s initial conditions of accurately known, the rate of decay or half- life is constant, and the specimen has no contaminations. All of the factors can …show more content…

For example, when finding the age of specimen, and there are eight parent and daughter atom present, the assumption is made that sample began with only eight unstable parent atoms. One adopts the idea that the sample of rock “begun with no daughter isotopes” (Radiometric Dating 2). The downfall of supposing the article was one hundred percent parent and contained zero daughter isotopes can generate an incorrect age of what is being dated. However, there is no method to determine the number of beginning parent or daughter atoms (Nawrocka 10). Without a proper technique for finding the number of parent atoms, researchers should not even begin dating specimens on Earth. The number of beginning parent atoms should be carefully measured to ensure reliable results of radiometric …show more content…

Scientists assume there are no contaminating materials that have entered the article or any materials that have escaped that cause formation of daughter isotopes. A common contaminant is “flowing groundwater” (Pitman 2). There could be possible cracks through the specimen, which water can flow through, bringing and carrying things out. If two animals die on the same day, and one was buried near a river and received lots of moisture because of the wet soil, it would be given an older age, than the other animal that was taken to a building with air conditioner, kept in a room with little light, and had no exposure to water. This is because the moisture would “leech out” radioactive material, changing its internal makeup. Specimens are not tested for contaminations; they are assumed to be free of them and should be put through a series of processes to examine the specimen to add validity to the dating

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