Health Care Questions

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A smoke-free environment policy provides formal explanations to all workers as to why the organization has adopted such a system. It outlines the responsibilities to be executed by all parties in safeguarding the policy (Procter-Scherdtel & Collins, 2013). In addition, it alerts all workers and visitors of the organization on the ultimate penalty for the violation of the policy. There are key factors involved in formulating a smoke-free policy. Firstly, the policy should have a management approval. The management’s approval plays a vital role in the process of forming and implementing the policy. It brings the notion of leadership and commitment to the process. Managerial leaders positively influence the attitude of the workers to appreciate any changes introduced to the working environment. It is important to seek the managers’ consent on the policy and set clear purposes of the policy (Bonehill, 2010). In addition, it will be easier to address the potential non-compliance instances that are associated with the implementation of the policy. Secondly, it is vital to establish a committee that will oversee the formulation and implementation of a smoke-free policy. Additionally, an individual team should be created to manage the implementation protocols. The committees should ensure that the workers’ views are represented in the policy formulation process. Thirdly, the policy team should set up a program for educating and training the workers on the new policy. This will help increase the understanding of the new policy, significantly reducing non-compliance cases. Finally, the policy should have a calendar that outlines the activities to be followed in the implementation and review processes. This will give a prior countdown to the...

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