The Pull for Immigrants to Come to America

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Immigration has been going on for a while now. When talking about it, it can have its ups and downs. In my opinion the main reason why people come to the United States is to have a better opportunity. A lot of countries now in days have a lot of issues including poverty, little job opportunities, and education. When talking about immigration it has a lot of push and pull factors. Push factors are circumstances that generally push people out of their native country. Pull factors are reasons or actions that attract people to another location. A couple of things that attracted the immigrants to migrate included freedom, economic opportunity and plentiful land. In the United Stated people had the freedom to what they wanted. Of course, there are rules for everything, but they were not enslaved mentally and or physically. When talking about economic opportunity, people are looking for a place where they can have a better place of living to support themselves as well as their family. Many feel that America is a great place for that. Having lots of land was a plus and pull. In some coun...

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