Psychological Study of Life is Beautiful

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In psychology we have learned many different theories that explain human thought processes. In this paper I am using a film called “Life is Beautiful” to illustrate five of them. These theories are attachment, assimilation, accommodation, moral development, and the authoritative parent. I will explain why these are important and show you examples of each from the film.

One point of social development that impacts our adult life is love. To get to the point of love we get to know a person, flirt with them, and finally commit to them. When we fall in love our goal is to have closeness to another human being, or a commitment. Without commitment, which includes intimacy, we would not be able to have a happy and healthy adulthood (Myers, 2010). This is a foundation that not only will fulfill us but also will give our children a strong example of attachment. With this example they will be able to repeat this process in their lives.

In the beginning of “Life is Beautiful” there was a basic love story between Guido and Dora. I watched as Guido fell in love with Dora and tried at every opportunity to woo her. When they fell in love with one another and became committed, they went out of their way to keep the attachment they had secured. A great example of this was when Guido and their son Joshua were put on the train Dora refused to be left behind (Benigni, 1998). She was not supposed go to the concentration camp but refused to let her husband and son go alone. This showed a wonderful example of the loving attachment she had for her husband and son. Now let’s take a look at what the son was thinking when he got on the train.

Jean Piaget used a theory called assimilation to describe how our experiences influence how we perceive new i...

... middle of paper ... by telling him they could go home, but that they were in the lead to win (Benigni, 1998). He was attempting to guide to Joshua to the right decision by giving him the choice. As well as showing him love by understanding the child’s frustration and giving him affirmation once he made the right choice.

I loved watching this movie; it is one of my favorites. Watching “Life is Beautiful” for this assignment opened up whole new schemas for me. I enjoyed understanding the psychological elements that were in the film. To see assimilation and accommodation so clearly defined was fantastic. Understanding some of the different ways we think and act, leads us to be able to enjoy movies or even our own lives on a new level.

Works Cited

Benigni, R. (Director). (1998). Life is Beautiful [Motion Picture].

Myers, D. G. (2010). Psychology Ninth Edition. New York: Worth .

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