The Pros and Cons of Prenatal Screening

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Child is a gift from God. Every parent hopes for a healthy child. Abnormalities in the fetus growth have become common nowadays. These abnormalities may be due to physical, radiation and chemical factors. The most common factor is due to genetic mutation, which causes mental retardation, abnormal body buildup and other conditions, which bring a lot of troubles in the future to the child themselves and their parents. Modern technologies and innovations in the medical field had developed a method known as prenatal screening to detect the abnormality before birth and prevent this future tragedy to happen. It is screening for the detection of fetal diseases, usually by ultrasound examination or by testing the amniotic fluid obtained by amniocentesis (Williams & Wilkins, 2004). It is available to all pregnant women. Others screening techniques may include maternal serum, placental biopsy, and genetic test. There are several advantages and disadvantages of prenatal screening.

There are several techniques of prenatal screening. The most common is blood testing. It is used to determine the blood type and Rh factor of a mother and the fetus. This is to prevent the complication caused by antigen-antibody reaction of Rh group of the mother and the fetus which may lead to haemolytic anemia. Besides that, blood test is also able to detect some of the blood borne diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B, C and D and rubella. Ultrasound, on the other hand, can determine the growth and development of a fetus in the amniotic sac. It can detect structural defects such as spinal bifida and anencephaly, congenital heart defects, gastrointestinal and kidney malformations and cleft lip. Furthermore, genetic test is used to determine the chromosome condit...

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...ration in the future, for example, autoimmune disease. When prenatal screening detects this condition, some of the immunosuppressed drugs can give to the baby to suppress the immune system. In the point of view of doctors, prenatal screening provides them with knowledge on the condition of the future, thus enable good information to the parents. By doing that, it prevents them from medical legal issues. Therefore, prenatal screening will actually guarantee the future generation with a better life and protect the doctors from medical issue.

In conclusion, prenatal screening has both benefits and harms. It will enhance a better generation and prevent the doctor from medical issues. On the other hand, it increases the abortion rate and gives rise to the human right issues. By thinking rationally toward the positive sides, prenatal screening actually benefits to us.

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