The Pros and Cons of Medi-Cal Budget Cuts

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The Advantage and Disadvantages of Medi-Cal Budget Cuts About five years ago, my doctor told me I am a Type 2 diabetic. As a result, I have experienced an array of other health problems due to diabetes. My vision has gotten worse and I experience frequent toothaches. Recently, I was unable to receive treatment for my serious dental problem by a dentist. I had apses on the top and bottom of my mouth. As a result, I missed numerous days of class and my instructors almost dropped me from their class. Although, I received a doctor excuse from my primary physician, it does not make up for the lessons I missed because of my non-attendance from their class. I could not afford treatment for mouth infection at any dentist office, so I suffered in pain for days. Unfortunately, Medi-Cal will only pay for dental exams and tooth abstractions, but no other treatments. Even, optometry treatments are limited to only the cost of an exam. I understand that California needs to balance the state budget, but limiting and alleviating the coverage of Medi-Cal for low-income adults such as dental and optometry in order to restore the state budget is not the solution. Furthermore, the ability to afford dental and optometry treatment for low-income adults in California may not be obtainable especially, if we consider a family size combined with the annual income of a family. Besides, Medi-Cal is a state assistant program that provides the expense of treatment to low-income families who cannot afford treatment. Now, the government has decided that the service is no longer essential to low-income adults. Instead, the cost of treatment for dental and vision is only essential to the low-income children. But, low-income adults who cannot receive tre... ... middle of paper ... ...surance in the United States and Canada. Washington: Georgetown University Press. 2008. Governors May Revision Keeps California Financially Strong and Fiscally Responsible. State of California. 14 May. 2007. 01 Nov. 2010. . Greston, Larry N., Christensen, Terry. California Politics & Gov’t. Boston: Wadesworth Cengage Learning. 2007, 2009. Harris, Nancy., Glassman, Bruce., Szumski, Bonnie., Cothran, Helen. Does the United States Need a National Health Insurance Policy?. Michigan: Thomas Gale. 2006. Huber, Walt Roy. California State and Local Government In Crisis. 3rd Ed. California: Educational Textbook Company. 1997,1995,1992. The Governor Commitment to Public Health. State of California. 2007-2008. 01 Nov. 2010 .

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