Pros And Cons Of Gene Therapy

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The functional and basic physical unit of inheritance is known as a gene. Going from the parent to the child, genes hold the instructions for producing proteins. A gene that has not produced the right proteins or a gene that has not produced protein correctly causes a genetic disorder. (1)
One way that is being considered and tested to treat or stop disorders and diseases would be the practice of gene therapy. Gene therapy is a treatment in which a functional gene will replace the defected gene so the body can produce functional proteins. (2) This very broad topic can affect many people in many different ways. Although the experiment is thought to have a promising future as a treatment option there are concerns about the safety and effectiveness …show more content…

While others think that it is a breakthrough and should be used to its full potential. Patients with diseases like Cystic Fibrosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer are currently making use of gene therapy to help decrease the outcome of their disease. (1)(3) By altering the genetic makeup of a person, it is giving the offspring chances to possibility not have the disease passed onto them. (1)
While some diseases caused by genetic issues are fixed or slowed down, it is possible that doing gene therapy could be creating brand new ones. Anytime a gene is messed with, there is a risk of mutation. (1) The requirements to successfully practice gene therapy include having people with the proper knowledge, the right materials and the appropriate gear, which will cause the cost to be very high. Glybera (a treatment for lipoprotein lipase deficiency) is the initial gene therapy medication that has been approved by the European regulators. With the cost being at $1.4 million in the U.S. and 1.1 million euro, it is now the most expensive drug. …show more content…

As stated earlier in the paper there is different approaches to how gene therapy could be used. Examples given earlier were; swapping a mutated gene that causes a disease with a healthy version of the gene, deactivating a mutated gene that operates incorrectly, and having a new gene introduced to the body to assist in fighting a disease. Therefore, for those who believe and agree with all the pros and benefits of gene therapy would have a great deal to look forward to. (1) (3)
Future effect
Researchers could have a cure to diseases that were incurable. Gene therapy has the possibility of being able to alter genes in an unborn child. (3)
Global Impact
Doctors from countries all over the world would have the capability of treating their patients in their home country. There is also the issue of gene therapy causing disagreements among different countries due to one country being more advance than others. (1) The population could increase because doctors would have the capability to treat and perhaps cure some or all diseases. With the possibility of the population increasing, some countries would have the worry of being unable to provide proper living resources for the population they have. (1)

Cultural and Religious

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