Health Care Pros And Cons

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Government and private regulators each play an important role in the United States health-care system. Government include federal, state and local levels. Both the federal and state governments have executive, legislative and judicial branches that make the laws of health care. State and local government are also involved in health care in a number of ways that make it possible for low-income and other unfortunate individuals and families to obtain care. This includes such public hospitals, providing community health. In addition to government purchasers, private insurers and individuals also purchase health care in the United States. Private insurance falls into three main categories, which are health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and high-deductible plans. The majority of Americans with private insurance obtain it through an employer. In 2009 there were roughly 50 million people living in the US without any health insurance so the answer to this issue was Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

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