Board Meeting Six

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After our sixth board meeting, we decided to select board agenda item four: Opportunity for strategic review and to raise capital as one of our four agenda items within the six items. We thought this agenda was beneficial because we can raise capital to invest into digital media business which was fit to our business plan. Also, this agenda associated with the core strategic issues to fund strategic growth. Therefore, we could grasp the opportunities to redefine our key businesses that can bring high margins in the next few years. Goold and Campbell(1994, cited in Johnson et al, 2011,p.254) present a parenting matrix that shows four kinds of businesses to fit with the parent corporation that can provide the benefits to the business units. If we look over our business activities we have done before, we can probably clear that our group has growth significantly via many acquisitions and alliances. For example, we have aligned in China and India to seek more profitable and increase the share price in accordance to satisfy our shareholders. So that we thought there was necessary to review these businesses and analyse whichever business we would not go along with. We should clear that our core business is provide our clients with the creation and innovative advertising. There was a possibility for us to raise capital and retain core businesses if we sell out one non-core business. In addition, Johnson et al. (2011, p.255) referred to some businesses may provide accessible to attract them so that those businesses can increase their values and capabilities. However, these ones themselves are difficult to fit and damage our strategic proposition. Thus, we agreed that we should consider processing this agenda. Agenda Option Chosen After g... ... middle of paper ... ...his option suggested that we should do nothing of strategic review and raise capital as it impacted the strategic process of the other subsidiaries. However, we did really need to raise capital in order to invest into digital media (such as we might focus on doing business in the emerging Asia Pacific markets as those have become more attractable and created profits for our shareholders.) in and our shareholders have concerned the returns as a result of we need to do better in our businesses therefore we should take selling one non-core business into account. Works Cited Johnson, G., Whittington R., and Scholes, K. (2011), Exploring Strategy: Text & Cases, 9/e, Harlow: Pearson (FT Prentice-Hall). Klaus, P.( 2013), 'New insights from practice', International Journal Of Market Research, 55, 6, pp. 829-850, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 March 2014.

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