Problem in Active Real-Time Database Application

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Problem in Active Real-Time Database application
The active database and real-time databases have increased in recent time. The real-time databases system is an important part of the technologies now a days for supporting the real-time computing (RTC), applications such as automatic tracking and object positioning application. Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) process to control air-traffic. Multimedia server for real-time streaming-commerce-business and credit card transactions. In real-time database application the data changes very rapid and is dynamic. On the other hand the real-time database application have great potential. This paper will address on the issues associated in active of real-time database and we will discuss different alternative to resolving these issues. Real-time database is a very new area in which small research has been done. On the other hand the active real-time application has a good potential. In this paper we will focused on the issues and the question such as sematic, assignment of time constraints and rule selection. Which we have to consider when we are designing or implementing real-time database. And I will highlight the issues associated with event detection, rule triggering, rule selection and evaluating in an active real-time database system.

Index terms: - hard real-time, soft real-time, transactions, performance, concurrency control, real-time, active network application Database systems, Flow control, Design Issue, replicated database systems update, query processing

The real-time database system cope their data in active application dependent on the design. Now a day the real-time database application become so complex and require access to more data. Therefore ...

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...ontrol mechanism would be eliminated. High-priority transaction is issued when it is running low-priority transaction is already executing it is possible to confirm timeliness. Serialization consistency is the main requirement of the concurrency transaction. Result of the read and write operations will be same while transaction executed in serial order. There is no requirement on the actual order, as long it ensure some ordering ref [3]
A Model for Data and Transactions
Transaction processing in active real-time database system for ecommerce might require different data models and due to security reasons most of the real-time database scheduling algorithms in real-time application they are using the algorithms to reduces the workload and operating environment model. Where this model used in the ecommerce database application where it require security requirements.

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