Privatization of Universities: Greece and Italy

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Over the past three to four years, students and teachers have expressed their opinion, anger, and frustrations on their governments trying to privatized universities. Privatizing universities does not always have a positive effect on people but it does help the country to cut down their debt crisis like what had happened in Greece. The students and professors in Greece and Italy have demonstrated and protested on opposing the idea of privatization of universities or public education. It was the beginning of a new era in student’s movement in Europe and North America. Comparing the two movements of students and professors in Greece and Italy in explaining whether the demonstrations were successful, what were their tactics was there any political opportunity structure, what were their targets and did these movement had any support from other institutions?

Education is significant for every student who wants to have a successful career, a high-salary job position, and a future to look forward to. For students in Greece, high level of education or post-secondary education is free and all these universities are public. If children and students have the opportunity for free education, we need to think about who does not want to take advantage of the opportunity and to go against privatizing the institutions. Many of other countries like Canada and United States, post-secondary education is costly, expensive, and tuition fees are on the rise. It is difficult to find a purely public or purely private university. The definition of private university is one that is controlled by a non-governmental organization or consist governing broad members but these members are not selected by a government agency (Psacharopoulos, 2004). As...

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Psacharopoulos, G. (2004). Public vs. private university systems. Journal for Institutional Comparisons, Retrieved from ELECENTRUM/DOCS/EENEE-SYMPOSIUM-DICE- PSACHAROPOULOS.PDF

Sick, C. (2008, October 27). La Sapienza University of Rome occupied in protest against privatization. Retrieved from

Steven, Initials. (2007, January 5). A brief outline of the student movement in Greece, June 2006. Retrieved from in-greece-june-2006

Tower, T. (2008, May 17). Major Greek unions strike to protest privatization. Retrieved from

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