Preventing Unauthorized Equipment from Entering a Network

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This informational report will explain and guide you through the process and plan that will be implemented to prevent any unauthorized equipment (including external rogue switches) from entering the network. In addition we will be implementing the spanning tree protocol to eliminate any layer 2 loops and ultimately causing a network storm.
First I’d like to begin by going into detail about the VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol) IEEE 802.1q. I will initially enable all the VLANs on the only designated VTP server mode, and then configure the trunking protocol 802.1q between the switches allowing all the VLANs on that trunk. All the other switches will be configured as clients so the network topology will be pushed through the VTP server mode. The VTP transparent mode is strictly going to be used for administrative purposes, only allowing that switch to pass updates/information onto the next switch. The commands for enabling the VTP trunking protocol, domain, and the mode are shown below.
Trunking mode
Switch(config)#int fa0/1
Switch(config)#switchport trunk encap dot1q
Switch(config)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-99

Trunking protocol
Switch(config)#ctp domain devrynet
Switch(config)#vtp mode server (client/transparent depending on switch and location)

To ensure the network stays secured to the point where no one or no device can alter the current configuration we are going to implement a few things. First we will password protect the local and terminal access on the five VTY ports on the switches (see below for the commands). Next we will enable switch port security which will disable a port if more than one MAC address is detected as being connected to that port. We will also re...

... middle of paper ... elect a root bridge, two elect root ports, and three elect designated and non-designated ports. The mode of the STP that will be used is called the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) mode. This mode will allow the switches to hold an election process based on the switches Bridge ID (BID). With the root bridge you will have the root ports to the root bridge (the fastest port connected to the root bridge). Every switch has a designated (primary) and non-designated (secondary) path to the network bridge or root device. The spanning tree protocol algorithm will establish a designated and non-designated link based on cost. Cost is measured by how fast the connection is between the two switches, the faster the link speed the lower the number; the lowest number wins the designated link. To enable this mode the commands used will be in privileged mode (see below).

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