Preventing Falls Among Elderly Patients

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The purpose of this project is to prevent falls among elderly patients which is an issue of concern for the nurses in the Unit. A proposed solution is the implementation of bed alarm. As nurses seek to keep patients safer, a critical analysis of the literature on bed alarms is developed to introduce the proposal in the unit. Pre and posttest questionnaires were conducted to evaluate the nursing learning needs. Strong evidence to support the use of bed alarms as an early warning system was discussed such as quantitative studies done at Methodist University in Memphis Tennessee sponsored by the National Institute of Aging in 2009. This resulted with the hypothesis that patient falls will be 25 percent lower with the use of bed alarms. Implementation of bed alarms requires time and money. Additional funds are needed to make the intervention possible. Funds are available through nonprofit organizations such as a capital grants and government’s grants to purchase bed alarms. This will educate the staff and cover technology costs. Various possibilities can be discussed with the nurses to maintain the success of the implementation of bed alarms in the unit to expand it to other wards. Open dialogue and continuous education are essential for the nurses. In the event that the project isn’t successful or has to be terminated, the process has to be done gradually and the facilitator needs to have an open dialogue with the staff to understand that the proper solution has its advantages.

The Purpose of the Program or Project
The proposed solution is to reduce falls in the hospitals. The program recommendation will be presented as guidelines for fall prevention and can be presented as follows.
• Educate staff about safety care....

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...crease adverse outcomes for the patients. Education goals for nurses needed not only to promote their professional knowledge and skills to implement the proposal but also to cultivate their caring attitudes.

Works Cited

Burgess, L; Herdman, T; Berg, B; Feaster, W; & Hebsur, S. (2009). Alarm Limit setting for early warning systems to identify at risk patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(9), 1844-1852. Doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05048.x
Day, L; Finch, C; Hill, K; Haines, T; Clemson, L; Thomas, M; & Thompson, C. (2011). A protocol for evidence-based targeting and evaluation of statewide strategies for prevention falls among community-dwelling older people in Victoria, Australia. Injury Prevention: Journal of The International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention, 17(2), e3.

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