The Pressures Children Face in Schools

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When you compare schools from the 1800’s and today, you will realize how things have drastically changed. Some believe that the public school system today has taken a turn for the worst in the past years. Students have more than just tests and quizzes to worry about. They are faced with violence, drugs, sex and pregnancy, and state mandated tests that will tell whether they will pass to the next grade. The public school classroom today has more children which takes away the personal attention to each individual student. Parents have showed less interest in their children’s education because they have worries of their own going on at home. Teachers are bound to a schedule for teaching everything that is needed to know before the tests. Funding for certain classes like music class has not been available for students and has been taken away. In my research, I have come to believe that putting more stress and pressure on the students have made them only give up or to care less. We are taking away from students and giving them more stress. There are many reasons for a child to act out at school. I believe that talking about the different stresses like bullying, peer pressure, drug and alcohol abuse, family stress, and the stress of the mandated tests would build a better understanding on why I believe we are failing children today. In public schools, students are faced with the different groups among their peers. The popular group is most favored, which probably means that you go to school in the latest fashion, you are the team captain or captain of the cheerleading squad. If you are a “geek”, you are probably made fun of because you are smart and get good grades instead of spending the morning caring about how you look. If you a... ... middle of paper ... do the job of a parent. I know of some children who don’t know their ABC’s, 123’s, or even their colors by the age of five. I know that their parents believe that is why they are sending their child to school. Resources Works Cited Center For Disease Control, . (2008, August 11). Youth violence: school violence. Retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau, . (2009, December 10). Drug use by type of drug and age group. Retrieved from Yeh, S.S. (2001, September 26). Tests worth teaching to: constructing state-mandated tests that emphasize critical thinking. Retrieved from

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