Practical Report - Infections of Gastrointestinal Tract

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Introduction :-

Many children around the world , especially in third world countries suffer many bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal system as a result of lack of awareness and the spread of the disease in the less attention to hygiene and the environment . In order to explain this word gastrointestinal tract infection , especially the stomach and intestines , it can result from infection by bacteria or virus or other parasites (1) . Some of the causes of inflammation as a result of eating food poisoning , especially meat and eggs . However , some symptoms of severe cases are headache , nausea , vomiting , general weakness , diarrhea and pain , the illness begins suddenly with high fever , vomiting , abdominal pain and stool liquid to water that may contain some blood and mucus . The result of drought through loss of fluids and salts and lead an alliance with the poisoning to the collapse of the circulatory system in diseases such as cholera (2) . It must be conducted in diagnosing bacterial to find the source of infection because it causes illness and death of millions in the third world and in particularly children as mentioned . In this report will refer to the most common types of bacteria cause gastrointestinal tract infection for example , Shigella , Salmonella , Vibrio and Campylobacter (3) . First of all , Shigella is gram negative , nonmotile , non lactose fermenting and H2S production . There are four important species , S. sonnei , S. flexneri , S. boydii and S. dysenteriae is the most serious . Next is Salmonella which is gram negative as well , non lactose fermenting and production H2S . These species are S. typhi and S. paratyphi found in humans and animals . Finally , Campylobacter is gram negati...

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...ies . These results were indicated to C. jejuni which is pathogenic bacteria .

Case study 4:

Passenger was 68 years old , who travelled from Europe to Melbourne via flying to Middle East , Asia and Singapore . When he arrived he was hospitalized . The specimen sent to laboratory show that much growth and yellow colonies on TCBS , oxidase was positive . Furthermore , other tests which is confirmed this result is ability to grow in NaCl 1 % and without NaCl bottles , it was given turbid growth , as seen in susceptibility test was about 0 / 129 zone of inhibition which is sensitive . While in polymyxin B antibiotic was no zone which is resistance . These outcome were indicated to Vibrio . To identify between two species V. cholera and V. mimicus via views these colonies color , which is V. cholera given yellow while V. mimicus given blue to green color .

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