The Power of Government

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According to the source it is stated that installing universal health care will result in an increase in taxes and restrict the civil liberties of our citizens. It claims that universal health care is the fundamental stage in paving the way towards developing an autocratic government as well as diminishing our most indispensable rights and freedoms. Throughout history our nation along with many other countries has evolved from the reigns of feudal tyranny towards modern day democracy. For years our ancestors have fought to bestow the right of freedom for our nation and as citizens we have battled to protect these precious liberties. However history has taught us the freedom without order can detrimental to society. As a nation we have seen that when there is no power in government there is no order, and with no order the people will suffer through economic hardship. In the subject of healthcare the source states that with government involvement results in great economic consequences for the ordinary individual by high tax rates. However in order to maintain stability within a society we must satisfy the needs of all citizens and to do so people must participate through taxes in order to fulfil the needs of all people rather than a small percentage of individuals. The viewpoint of the source tends to demonize the ideas of reform in fear of raising the taxes upon the population to provide healthcare for all individuals without limitations. It is this fear that has driven society away from the possible progresses mankind can achieve. As a nation we must embrace ideas of improving the life of society as a whole and transitioning from a classical liberalist way of thinking to a more collectivist approach subsequently benefiting all mem...

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...ose of government is to pursue policies that create the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Unlike the source the ideas of modern liberalism is not fearful of government power. Instead, it uses this power as a source of good by limiting poor living conditions, discrimination and exploitation. With the help of government we can create a society with a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income distribution and economic policies to balance the economic success. Universal healthcare is just another way of benefiting the public and not individual interests. The ideas of the source are greatly unjustified by stating that government intervention can harm the life of the citizen, on the contrary it can help the citizen by protecting their rights as well as helping them flourish as individuals and create a prosperous economy.

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