Positive Female Role Models Eliminate Negative Effects of Sexually Violent Media by Christopher J. Ferguson,

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Sexuality in the media is a major problem that influences the public both negatively and positively. The article entitles “Positive female role models eliminate negative effects of sexually violent media” written by Christopher J. Ferguson, tested four hypothesis as to whether or not the media portrayal of women influence or impact depression, anxiety and negative attitudes of women of both male or female. He also tested his hypotheses by concluding that sexuality violence is not only found in pornographic films but also nonpornograhic films.
Sexually violent media encapsulates a broad category of media in which themes and violence are intermingled. For instance such media may depict physical aggression by males against females (or females against males or same-sex dyads) in the context of sexual scenarios or involving prurient (i.e., intended to be arousing) nudity. Sexual violence is not found only in pornography and may, in fact, be observed in adult-rated (R or TV-MA) movies or television shows as well as books (Ferguson, 2012).
The four hypotheses being tested in this article are: First, men (but not women) exposed to sexually violent media with negative portrayals of women will show increased negative attitudes toward women compared to neutral media (i.e., nonsexually violent). Second, men exposed to sexually violent media with positive portrayals of strong female leads and will show increased negative attitudes relative to neutral control. Third, women (but not men) exposed to sexually violent media with negative portrayals of women will show increased negative mood (anxiety, depression) compared to neutral media (i.e., nonsexually violent). And forth, women exposed to sexually violent media with positive portrayals of st...

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.... It supported the main point in the film that female characters remained inferior to male characters. It also highlights that even though many films involve a strong female character, she will still be a victim of sexual violence and negative attitudes will remain towards her. Because of the media, myths about female sexuality continue to spread.
In class we discussed how men are often classified as the strong character who usually engages in fights or the superheroes in a film. Looking at most Disney films, females are usually vulnerable and always need a man or prince by their sides to be complete. Media which include a high degree of sexually violent content may also tend to portray women as passive, submissive and inferior (Ferguson, 2012). The gap between male and female characters is extremely big and results in negative attitudes towards women in society.

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