The Positive Effects of Music on Young Children

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Music has been around for ages and over time, people have changed the way it sounds, how often we listen to it, and what purpose it serves. Uses for music have become more innovative and scientifically purposeful over the years. Recently, it has been proven that children who grow up under the influence of music have a rounder, fuller experience in their education. This higher education helps children later in life as teens and young adults. Music in the lives of young children improves cognitive knowledge as well as social skills (Borgese 2).

Through the use of music, children have been able to improve their math and science scores, which can become useful later in life with tests like the SAT. Recent data from the University of Texas has shown that students who have had an arts education, particularly music, have earned higher SAT scores then those who have not (Sibal 3). Canada’s most extensive study of the effects of music, drama, dance, and art on student achievements concluded that children in elementary schools who listened to music on a regular basis saw an eleven point jump in math scores on the SAT (Riley 1). Introducing music into the lives of children has proved itself to be highly beneficial in their learning experiences.

Music also helps to develop skills that will help children in their every day lives and into adulthood. Areas like coordination, concentration, relaxation, patience, and self-confidence can all benefit from introducing music into a child’s life (Borgese 2). When a child is encouraged to learn how to play a musical instrument, concentration and self-confidence can easily be boosted. Concentration is likely to be improved because learning how to play an instrument demands determination and attenti...

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...hey decide to make unhealthy choices that are not associated with the music.

Integrating music into the lives of children at an early age has proved to be beneficial not only for educational purposes but also for skills that they can carry into the rest of their lives. Skills like patience and self-confidence help children to take on and conquer larger and more complicated issues as they turn into teens and young adults. Although some of the more recent music has been accused of having negative effects on children and young adults, it has been proven that in most cases there are surrounding factors that contribute to irresponsible actions, not just the music. Music has gone through many changes and phases and different changes over time. Music is not used for enjoyment only, but also scientific, physical and educational purposes to benefit the lives of children.

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