Portfolio on Zeros of Quadratic Functions

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In this portfolio, I have learned how to determine the zeros of a function through various algebraical methods and graphically and solving quadratic equations in the complex number system. With these skills and concepts, I was able to apply them to real-world situations. This portfolio shows the various methods to determine the zeros of a quadratic functions. I had learned the four different methods: solve by factoring, square rooting, completing the square, and using the quadratic formula. If an equation is factorable, all four methods can be used to determine the zeros. If an equation is not factorable, the only method I can use is the quadratic formula. To identify the amount of real solutions, I applied the nature of roots of a quadratic function, also known as the discriminant. To find the discriminant, the formula b2-4ac will determine the amount of real solutions. If the discriminant is greater than 0, there are 2 real solutions. If its less than 0, there are no real solutions. Lastly, if the discriminant is equal to 0, there is 1 real solution. The vertex of a quadratic function is lowest or highest point on a parabola. The x-coordinate can be found using -b/2a then used to find the other variable in the original equation. I also learned that the axis of symmetry is the x-value of the vertex or midpoint of the two x-intercepts. I have also revisited similar word problems where I have to determine the variables, create a function, solve for the vertex using -b/2a, and using that to solve for the other variable. However, there are specific problems that require me to find the breakeven point or the x-intercepts in which I apply one of the methods to determine the zeros. Also, I learned that the breakeven point is applied in ...

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...r this portfolio, I could improve by not procrastinating when it comes to completing reflections, captions, and homework. By managing my time more wisely, I can be more efficient and have more time to review or do other work. This can further my learning because these bad habits occur in my daily life. Unless I fix this bad habit, I will continue to have bad time management throughout my life. Also on my classwork and homework assignments I could write neater and show all my steps so when I review all my work I understand how I got my answer and the steps I took in order to get that solution. My thoughts are that I need to pay more attention during class because it affects my understanding of the lesson and concept or I end up writing things that do not make any sense. Also, I need to continue scoring well on my skill quizzes and tests to maintain or boost my grade.

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