Polygamy in Bountiful, British Columbia

1007 Words3 Pages

The article that I chose from Wikipedia is Polygamy in North America. There are several reasons for choosing this article that will be mentioned later on. The main reason for picking this article is that this article does not seem to go into the specifics of the main issue regarding polygamy in North America of Mormon religion. Particularly, two communities are significant to North American contemporary legal issue regarding polygamy. One of them is the Bountiful community in British Columbia and the other community is in Utah, U.S.A. Both of these communities practice polygamy as it is part of their religious beliefs. Polygamy is not legalized in North America, but a British Columbia’s community, Bountiful, has raised several concerns that have legal scholars divided on this issue of polygamy.

The essay will only focus on the Mormon community particularly the Bountiful community in British Columbia and their conflict with Polygamy in North America for the sake of simplicity. Thus, this essay will demonstrate some of scholars’ concerns, show the disagreement that exists in the academic community, and suggest that these issues should be added to the Wikipedia’s article. As a result, the readers can get a more in-depth analysis of the issue which may potentially raise more questions in readers’ mind and encourage them to explore the issue further. The essay is determined to make the transition from an abstract and broad concern regarding polygamy to a more through concern, which the article on Polygamy in Wikipedia has failed to provide. Moreover, the essay will critique the Wikipedia article along with some additions of the topic.

Bountiful, British Columbia---the Concern

The first addition with regards to polygamy in North Am...

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...on is that they are a small community that is detached from the mainstream their ideals are not influencing others. Also, Lori argues, these practices of polygamy are part of their lifestyle and people that are nurtured in this environment are generally inclined towards accepting these ideals and beliefs. Hence, polygamy should be decriminalized rather than made illegal.

In conclusion, the Wikipedia article though informative, lacks certain specific details regarding polygamy cases and communities in North America. Moreover, the credibility of the research in questionable as, these articles are not peer-reviewed and some of the sources can be unreliable. Hence, by adding this information particularly regarding the Bountiful community is fairly important to enhance readers’ knowledge regarding the controversy that divides the academic community of North America.

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