Poetry Comparission: First Poem for You by Addonizio and Love and Friendship by Bronte

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Poetry Comparison
Comparison and Contrast is defined by Kennedy and Gioia, the authors of the poetry textbook, as, “A process that places two poems side by side and studies their differences and similarities in order to shed light on both works.” The poem “First Poem for You” was written by Kim Addonizio in 1994. The poem is definitely about love. Poetry is like a stain of feelings that last endlessly on paper, tattoos are pieces of art that last an eternity on the skin. In addition, the poem “Love and Friendship” was written by Emily Brontë in 1839. The theme is love and friendship. The poem is made of a brief analysis of how love and friendship differentiate. The following poems share the same themes, and structure. While the two poem are similar below the surface, their differences lie in plain sight.
The poem “First Poem for You” is definitely about love. Tattoos and poetry are abundantly alike. The poem speaks about how the author is contemplating the security of her relationship. They lie in the dark which could suggest that the speaker is a bit confused about their relationsh...

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