Poetry Analysis: Mending Wall

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“Mending Wall” by Robert Frost, the fifty-six line lyric poem gives off a sarcastic tone that expresses impatience with his neighbor and the “wall.” The poem focuses on a theme of separation, the necessity of boundaries and the illusory arguments used to annihilate them. Frost uses the phrase “Mending Wall” to show that the relationship between the narrator and the neighbor is not being repaired. The poem focuses on two men who meet amongst a wall to stroll and make repairs. The narrator feels that the wall shouldn’t be there. He states that, “...We do not need the wall: He is all pine and I am apple orchard, my apples will never get across.(Frost) On the other hand, the neighbor feels that the wall is needed and simply states that, “ Good Fences make good neighbors”. The narrator continuously asks the neighbor to look beyond his “old-fashioned” logic. There is great irony here because two men have to work on a wall together, but they are doing it separately; never seeing each other, barely acknowledging each other and one keeping total distance. Throughout the poem, the narrat...

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