Playing with Violence: The Use of Violent Video Games

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Ever wonder why children and teens seem to be more aggressive and violent? Violence has gone up because of violent video games. The games children play these days are rated higher than what their age group are suppose to play. “In this study, children who played video games often with older siblings were twice as likely as other children to play mature-rated games (Considered suitable for ages 17 and older)” (Violent). Children are acting violent due to the games they play.

Children that Play violent video games are most likely to cause violence to others. “Video games cause children to be more aggressive towards others. Exposing children and adolescents (or “youth”) to violent visual media increases the likelihood that they will engage in physical aggression against another person” (Anderson). The children who play the violent video games are like to have short tempers and get mad easily. The kids will most likely want to start fights in school. Kids will probably be rude to their teachers, other classmates, and also their parents. The kids probably learned ways to fight from the video games. Kids will want to try fighting with the moves they learn from video games.

This is one way of how children show aggression towards other.

“Some children may become more aggressive as a result of watching and playing violent video games” (Violent). From the video games the children wants to try new things they learn from it. The children will think it's cool to act like the things they see in the video games. Kids will also be irritated cause of the video games they play and they will act aggressively to others. Children will also try to play aggressively with their friends. They will call their friends names for not being able to take t...

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...ildren are old enough to play other video games rated for mature people. If kids stop playing violent video games then there will be less fights at schools and other places. If the kids continue playing the violent video games, then in the future the kids will be in a lot of fights and maybe go to prison.

Works Cited

Anderson, Craig A. "Violent Video Games Promote Teen Aggression and Violence." Teens at Risk. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. N. pag. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 6 Feb. 2014.

Schaffer, Amanda. "Violent Video Games Are Linked to Real-World Violence." Popular Culture. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. N. pag. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.

"Video Games." 5 Feb. 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

"Violent Video Games and Young People." Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Medical School, Oct. 2010. Web. 3 Feb. 2014.

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