Pinnacles of Art

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What is art? Art and assessment are deeply unified, since our ability to experience and understand artistic works is intensely unfair by our own perceptions. Consequently, any definition of art should emphasize the importance of perception in creating and experiencing art. In the film (Why Beauty Matters) by Roger Scruton, he is bringing out some pinnacles of art, and some of his observation and mines are somewhat in comparison. Scruton’s first high point is when he said, “Beauty is from another world.” Beauty is not from another planet in my opinion. Beauty is the first thing that is mentioned in the bible. When God created everything in Genesis chapter 1, He said at the end of each scripture, “and it was good!” In my opinion, there is no beauty on other planets. The beauty that comes from other planets is discovered by scientist that has never seen anything of that nature. Therefore, some people get philosophy mixed up with science and this causes controversy within the art world. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The next point, “Beauty was not planted here by God but...

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