Picture of Teen Culture in Joyce Carol Oates' Short Story, Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?

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In the short story “Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?" the author Joyce Carol Oates paints a clear picture of teenage culture. Despite this story having been written more than forty years ago it still remains an accurate and relevant illustration of teenage culture today. Although the story may have been written many years ago, teenagers still continue to think and behave similarly, something that is clearly demonstrated in this story. First of all, in “Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?" the main character Connie exhibits many examples of rebellion towards her parents throughout the entire story. Not only does she display a disrespectful attitude towards her parents but she constantly lies to them on many occasions about where she has been and what she does when she goes out with her friends because “her mother was simple and kind enough to believe her” (Oates 201). This is something that is still accurate today since teenagers today still continue to exhibit many types of rebellion towards their parents, such as lying, just as the main character in the story did, eve...

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