Photovoltaic Technology Impacts on Environment

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Research Proposal on Photovoltaic Technology Impacts on Environment
The research will explore the effects that brought about by the degradation of photovoltaic panels to the environment. This will also include the effect of degradation photovoltaic when exposed to both fresh and salt water. The study will also include an assessment of degradation effect on the performance and reliability of photovoltaic system. Thus, this research will focus on the outcome of having a photovoltaic panel lying on the surface of water. Thus, the effects created will be determined and the array design adjusted accordingly. Further, another environmental issue that will be investigated is the ecological impact created from the transmission of extraordinary high voltage direct currents in aquatic environments.
With the growing realization of climate change, and the consequences of greenhouse gas emitting energy generation technologies, coupled by the rising prices of the mainstream sources of energy, the prospects of alternative fuel sources are better than ever. Solar energy and the photovoltaic technology are inherently safe and have a markedly lower carbon footprint, relative to coal, and fossil fuels. Other than the difficulty in storing energy, fluctuations in sunshine, and as yet costly technology, the complete environmental effects of photo-voltaic technology and the use of solar energy remains largely unknown. This is in part due to the limited scale of the technology’s adoption at present, and as the world moves further towards alternative energy sources, it is critical that it does not move from one environmental disaster to yet another, as has been the case with nuclear and wind energy. The proposed research will seek to con...

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...vironmental effects is indispensable in assessing the full implication of a larger scale adoption of solar energy across the world.

Work Plan

Time in months 3 4 6 12 16 18 20 22 24 conscription/training of staff
Formulation of every month project goals
Formulation of the communication strategies
Liaising with other experts/ the practitioners
Data categorization and coding
Data analysis
Report preparation and staging

Work Cited
Alsema, E. "Environmental Impacts of Photovoilic Technology." European Journals (1999): 123-134.
Scientific, Horba. "Characterization of Photovoltaic Devices by Spectroscopic ." Thin Film (2009): 2164.
Wohlgemuth, John. "Long Term Photovoltaic Module Reliability." NCPV (2003): 123-127.

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