Philosophy of Classroom Management

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Philosophy of Classroom Management
Being a male going into the elementary school education profession, I feel that I can be a postitive male role model for students who might lack that kind of male role model leadership needs. One of the first things that I will convey to my students is my philosophy on classroom management. My philosophy can be summed up in just two words: RESPECT and LEADERSHIP.

Just as the picture describes , in order for me to receive respect ; I must first deliver it to my children. This does not just mean face to face. This also means respect them when they are not around. In my short time working in the schools , I have witnessed much disrespect toward students behind their backs. This happens when adults talk about behavior problems , and other issues in the classroom. All of the adult s gain an opinion of that child which may follow them throughout their school career. I may seem naive ; However , I will not do this to any of my students. I think is wrong and I do not want any part of it. This is where my age actually plays in my favor. I do not have to go through transitions into establishing my outlook on life. I have learned to walk away from disrespect, even from friends and co workers.

Another variable to this is leadership. Teachers have to understand that we are molding our future leaders. The students who fill the seats in front of us are future, Doctors, attorneys, congressmen, police officers, firefighter, presidents , and yes even teachers. Remember sometimes we must put ourselves in the kid’s shoes, we once sat in those very same chairs.

My classroom management philosophy is that all students can learn if given a fair and orderly opportunity. Students should al...

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... to make high scores on assessments. These are very hard because students can only control their own outcomes. They have to use peer relationships to push each other to work toward the same goals. This shows student how their parents become rewarded in the real world with success from a career.
Implementation Plan

Works Cited
"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2013.

Holloman, Hal, and Peggy H. Yates. What Do You Say When-- ?: Best Practice Language for Improving Student Behavior. Larchmont, NY: Eye of Education, 2010. Print.

"How To Motivate Your Kids To Learn." Rss. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2013.

Wong, Harry K., and Rosemary Tripi. Wong. The First Days of School. Sunnyvale, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, 1991. Print.

Yates, P.H. (2012). Classroom Management Survival Guide. East Carolina University, NC: ELEM 4525.

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