Philosophical And Ideological Perspectives In Education

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Philosophical And Ideological Perspectives In Education Introduction The Second Edition of Philosophical and Ideological Perspectives in Education continue to examine the major schools of philosophy of education through the systems approach. It also considers the relationship of education to major ideologies such as Liberalism, Conservativism, and Marxism. It analyzes the impact of philosophy and ideology on educational theory and practice by examining such theories as Essentialism, Perennialism, Progressivism, and Social Reconstructionism. Although concentrating on the philosophy of education, it introduces educational ideas. First, it examines the major philosophical systems and ideologies that have shaped educational thought and practice. Second, it outlines certain ideas from philosophy and ideology to illustrate how these disciplines contribute to educational theory. Third, in seeking to provide a context for educational philosophy, ideology, and theory, it includes biographical sketches of principal originators or contributors of leading ideas about education. The design of this text has effects in which philosophy, ideology, and theory are treated in a single volume. It will help to locate currently developing issues in education in this broader and more theoretical matrix. Through its concentration on important philosophical ideas that have had a continuing impact on education, schools, teaching, and learning, this classic text relates education to its broad cultural inheritance. (, 4096, 020526106X, 00.html) Gerald Guteks review of philosophies, ideologies, and theories of education is an overview of perspectives on education. The book begins with a description of m...

... middle of paper ... superficial and cannot be fully relied upon. The laws are transitory. Applications of these laws are subject to the condition upon which they are laid. On the other hand, divine laws have solid foundations, which cannot be falsified and laid aside. They are applicable for all time to come. Thus, humanistic efforts to limit religious liberty have extended to attempts to force a curriculum of naturalism on private religious schools through the process of accreditation, specifically the threat of removal of accreditation to all schools not toeing the naturalist line. ( References, 4096, 020526106X, 00.html

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