Methodology And Synthesis Essay

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Methodology, is defined as the logic behind what methods the researchers choose and why they choose that particular method rather than others Clearly, methodology is different from methods. Methods are the tools or techniques the researchers use to collect data. Therefore, methods are shaped by methodology and methodology can explain why researchers choose the methods.

According to Gray (2014), the choice of methodology is determined by several factors: (1) whether the researcher believe there is an external-truth out there waiting for discovering or there should be multiple realities which can evolve and change (ontology); (2) whether researcher is inclined towards positivist, interpretivist or others (epistemology); and (3) whether the research begins with a theory-driven hypothesis or a research question emerging from the data itself. (deductive or inductive). In conclude. the methodology of a research is dictated by the researcher’s ontology and epistemology which further indicate the methods used. …show more content…

Case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a specific bounded system within its real-life context which is strongly associated with qualitative research (Stake,1995). Phenomenology explores how individuals make sense of the world and use their “common sense thinking” to interpret their actions and social world. (Holstein and Gubrium, 1994). Action research uses experimental and control groups to test a hypothesis, and it places emphasis on promoting the change within an organization. Some common methods for these qualitative methodologies are interviewing, observation and focus

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