Personal Values and my Air Force Experience

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I was only nine years old, but I can almost still feel the bitter cold and the excitement in the thin air while sitting in the stands in the Rocky Mountains. The rivalry between the two Service Academies was at an all time high as the coveted Commander in Chiefs trophy was still up for grabs. Although the battle ensuing on the field between the two foes was formidable, it was the battle upon what to do with my life that was of greater consequence. The outcome of the game is now forgotten but the impression that the young servicemembers left would forever be etched in the back of my mind. Despite my young age, I knew that I would answer the call to join these young men and women and the values that were instilled in me would allow me to join their ranks. At this game, I concluded that the values my parents taught me would play a vital role in my development as an officer, lead to important experiences and fulfill the Air Force mission while supporting our joint services. Growing up, my parents made it abundantly clear the importance of the values of service, education and leadership. Through his example as a firefighter, my father instilled in me the importance of duty and service to others. My mother, a preschool teacher, taught that education was the cornerstone to success. Combined, they were actively involved in school activities that my sister and I participated in, often as the presidents of the Parent Teacher Association, demonstrating the necessity to lead organizations. These values, covertly demonstrated throughout my life, made me want to surround myself with like minded people and I knew I could if I answered the call of the young cadets during that cold November football game. While in high school, I d... ... middle of paper ... ...difficult tactical flying available to be the most rewarding yet the most important experience that I have accomplished to date. As a young impressionable child sitting in the freezing stands of a football game high in the mountains, I began the dream of joining the ranks of the young cadets in my presence. I easily related to the values that these cadets exemplified and knew the standards that I would have to meet in order to become one of them. As I progressed through life, my parents positively influenced me through the values of service, education and leadership to achieve my goal of becoming a cadet and later as an officer in the Air Force. As an officer, I rose to the challenge of becoming a pilot, allowing me to fulfill the mission of global reach for the military by precisely placing crucial supplies to forward operating bases throughout Afghanistan.

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