Personal Narrative: Ride, Drive, Ride

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A loud whinny, thunderous hoof beats, racing across the desert plains, barreling through sand storms, running like the wind. Into the plush meadow we went, smelling the clean, fresh air. We cleared the 10 foot tree lying in our path, narrowly missing the 6 foot ditch on the other side! Up the mountain we sprang, through the thick forest, then down we bounded as the earth gave way under us! Onto the sandy beach, running in the white caps of the sea, I was yelling at the top of my lungs, we’re free! Like the wind, we raced on! We were desperate to seek shelter, for thunder and lightning followed us relentlessly! We made it! Sliding to a stop, I climbed off, exhausted from the ride! I heard mom calling my sister and I for dinner. I unsaddled, brushed and put my Breyer horse in the stable, so that he may rest for our next amazing adventure.
Being a lonely latch-key kid growing up in a busy city, I longed for the wide open spaces. I had little choices for entertainment. All of my life, I yearned for a horse. I know most girls, at some time, want a horse, but I was different. One evening, sitting at the kitchen table, I asked my mother “Can I have a horse?”. She hesitated for a moment, thinking of how it would put pressure on our financial situation, but she smiled and said, “Let’s see about riding lessons”. I don't exactly remember what happened after that, but I do remember driving to the stables the next day! Porter’s Riding Club was on the outskirts of town, which today is a mecca of houses, office buildings, traffic invested roads, pavement as far as the eye could see. But in 1978, Nations Ford Rd was a calm, quiet escape from life as I knew it. The road seemed endless. Finally, we made it! I was in heaven! or so I thought. I...

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...I began working on a horse farm, to hopefully somehow fill in a void that had overtaken my soul. Horseback riding revived me, it gave me a sense of well-being, a sense of peace. With years of practice in the past, riding horses was something that I’d learned to do pretty well, so back in the saddle I went! I’d like to say, just as they did when I was a young girl, horses saved me!
These days I’m a bit older, married with children, but I still ride whenever I can. My two daughters, ages 10 and 5, are now enjoying ‘becoming literate’ in the ‘art’ of horseback riding! I now know how my mother must have felt that night at the dinner table, and I’ll do what it takes to make sure my girls have what I was given, that chance at freedom, that chance at happiness. If it’s horses they choose to help them to accomplish this goal, I hope they stay in the saddle and ride!

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