I Almost Drowned

772 Words2 Pages

When you are happy, you never think that it can end in a second. Of course, if you always had tried to imagine something bad, you would not have been so happy. After an incident I had had once, I understood that happiness could be just one step away from loosing it.

I was seventeen. Summer was in the air, but we could not enjoy it because it was the time of our graduation and we had to study for our final exams. When exams were over, we were relieved and decided that we deserved some rest.

Usually, people prefer resting on beaches, living in expensive hotels, eating at exclusive restaurants, and enjoying other services provided by travel companies. Although it really is careless relaxation, my friends and I always preferred to travel to

wild places. After the complicated life of the big city, with its intense traffic and polluted air, with its endless problems, union with nature seemed to us the most worthwhile way to relax.

Getting prepared for the trip already made me excited. It was very important not to forget anything. Finally, when all preparations were made, and the cars loaded up, we,

following our chosen route, dreamed of our coming adventures. On that particular vacation, we had chosen a place named Blue Lakes.

It was really a place of wildlife. In the summer, the forest was beautiful. It burst into leaves and needles, and abounded with mushrooms and berries. The unbelievable silence was sometimes interrupted only by birds and insects. The amazing lakes, which were situated all over the wood, seemed to complete the picture. In addition, Mother nature had given every lake some unique feature. Red Lake, for example, seemed to have red water, because of the iodine in it. Cold Lake had a very low temper...

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...ew me an end of the rope and pulled me out. I was coughing and felt dizzy, but it was good to feel the ground under my feet again.

After everything was over, we returned to our camp and, after a while, everybody seemed to forget what happened to me, or when somebody brought it up, he just made fun of it. It wasn't funny for me though. I could not help thinking that I had started crossing the river just because I did not want to look like a coward in front of my friends. Who knows what could have happened to me if I had not seized the branch. I could have drown easily. One minute ago I was happy and another I did not know where I was going to.

After this incident, I am afraid of not only water, but also loosing something because of my thoughtlessness and impulsiveness. I became more careful and mature. When I am happy now, I always say to myself, "Watch out!"

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