Personal Narrative: Family Affairs

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Margie, Jenn and Lilly played cards at a table and chairs in the hotel lobby. Lilly would not stop asking to see Tom. Margie left a few messages for Tara, but had yet to hear back from her. “Tara always returns phone calls. She’s worrying me,” Jenn said when Lilly left the table to retrieve a lollipop from the bowl on the front desk. Jenn sent a text, hoping it would be more successful than phone calls. “Maybe she’s meeting with a doctor.” “She’s with Brad. He won’t let anything happen to her.” “I don’t know that I trust him. He came out of nowhere and is now her new best friend. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?” Margie thought about it for a few moments. “He’s a friend of Tom’s and was driving when their accident occurred. He wants to help Tara.” “I don’t know Mom. I have an uneasy feeling in my chest.” “That’s jealousy. You’re not used to sharing Tara with anyone else.” Jenn glared at Margie. “That is the most ridiculous…” Her angry words cut off when Tara walked in, flanked by Brad and Charlotte. Both women rose from the table, their eyes wide with concern. If Charlot...

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