Battling my Inner Turmoil After Being Given Up for Adoption

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The night before, I could not sleep. I lay awake tossing and turning. What was I to expect? What was I to call them? Mom? Dad? I will never forget the day I was lost and found, I was seven years old when I was adopted, but why? I often recall asking, when the subject of adoption came up “because we needed each other” my adoptive mom would patiently reply. Ever since I can remember my adoptive parents have been honest with me concerning being adopted. Although, I love my adoptive parents as they love me, howbut how do you get over the feeling not belonging to a family.of being “unwanted”? Being adopted is nothing to be ashamed about. I am truly grateful for how my life has turned out so far, but because of this my road has been hard to navigate.

My adoptive parents always wanted kids, and like many other families adoption did not even register in their minds. They tried to have biological kids of their own. the “normal way”. After many years of disappointments a greater purpose came into their life, me.. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be, but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And, sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower or heart.

Many years passed as I came to grip with the loss of what I thought I wanted, a relationship with my biological mother.relation. The f...

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...y do not define us,. tThey help us to expand in the knowledge of our grandeur. As I connect with the divinity that lies at the core, the beginning of my storyline will change. Instead, of tragedy we will see how we triumphed over the most difficult circumstances. Instead of living a dull life, we find the courage to face the unknown. Instead of sorrow, compassion fills our hearts for those who suffer pain like ours. We discover that we can live above the chaos, we know the self that never changes. So even when my problems overwhelm me, when the obstacle set before me seems to high and I have lost the last shred of confidence I once had in myself, do not let it beat me down. Strap on my armor, smear on the war paint, let out my best battle cry and charge head on into the unknown. Pain, suffering, insecurity and fear will not win. Life waits for no one.

Thanks MOM.

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