Personal Experience: Becoming a Volunteer at Lekan Olawoye

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Community Assignment

Community involvement provides an environment in which we improve the skills and gain the knowledge that can help us make a difference in our society. It endeavours to provide us opportunities to make decisions and encourages us to satisfy our academic needs sensibly and effectively. My assistance to the community is not huge but I did try to make a difference by helping the ward councillor, Lekan Olawoye, talk to and contributing to community members. Their mission is to provide a fresh start to the community members who are struggling to live in the York South-Weston area. Good jobs are an essential part of a vibrant neighbourhood, and he is committed to give better opportunities for all residents. This includes better transit, reduced poverty, and support for families, healthier communities and safer streets (Olawoye, 2014). Wide ranges of clients are being served with their help, which include; kids, young adults, adults, and the elderly.

During my volunteer, I experienced different cultures and different opinions in the community. I have experienced that everyone cultural groups have different options regarding their struggles. Different age groups struggle to survive due to the low employment rate which causes a lot of deficits. This helped me understand the various problems people face and the how I can help them by giving my assistance. The first step is hearing their problems and the second step is getting someone to represent them can help with a better community development. Engaging myself in this community service, I gained skills like inter-personal, communication, organizational and managerial skills which can help me in my future nursing career.

While doing my volunteer, the two determina...

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